Donating To Marjorie Willis

Donating Monthly with Gift Aid

If you are a UK tax  payer, then Gift Aid can make your monthly donation go further.
There is no cost to yourselves, but we need your consent to do this.

By selecting a payment option in this Section, you are consenting to us claiming Gift Aid on your donation.

If you are not a UK tax payer or do not consent to our claiming Gift  Aid, please select a payment option in the No Gift Aid section on this page.

Donating Monthly by Card or PayPal

Give as You Live Donate
QR Code to

Give by Direct Debit

Donate Monthly by Direct Debit.

Click or Scan the QR code to set up a direct Debit Donation.
You will need your sort Code and Account Number, which can be found on your debit card.
QR code to GoCardless
QR Code to GoCardless
QR Code to GoCardless
QR code to Go Cardless
By Clicking or Scanning the QR code and creating a Direct Debit, I am stating I wish to Gift Aid my donation and any donations I make in the future or have made in the past 4 years to Marjorie Willis. 
Card Donations

Donations Without Gift Aid

There are several options for single and recurring card donations – these are for those who cannot or do not wish to gift Aid their donations.
Scan or click the QR code to open the payment page.

One Off Card donation

You can change the donation amount.
Single Card Donation

One Off PayPal donation

You choose the donation amount.
PayPal QR Code

Recurring £10 Card donation

Monthly £10 donation
QR Code recurring Donation

Recurring £5 Card donation

Monthly £5 donation
QR Code recurring Donation

Recurring £2 Card donation

Monthly £2 donation
QR Code £2 donation

Recurring £1 Card donation

Monthly £1 donation
QR code £1 donation


Marjorie Willis does not store or have access to your car or banking details, these are process securely by the payment providers.
Your contact details will only be used for the purpose of claiming gift aim.


If your circumstances change and you no longer pay tax, please get it touch and we will stop claiming Gift Aid on your donations.

If you have problems setting up a donation or need help making changes, again, please get in touch.